a week in photos vol.2

1. so why don't i try live on just cherries and coffee for the next few days? a very bad idea.
2. you know that shit's got serious when even the 3 a.m. cigarette doesn't help.
3. can session just be over already?
4. let's have a beer before the exam. maybe we'll get smarter somehow with more alcohol.
5. here's a happy post-exam photo with a cigarette and some McDonald's coke.
6. the babies we rode today.

1. we have a serious case of the pre-exam crazies
2. most favourite girls
3. food&studying pretty much sums up my life lately
4. seeing people walk freely on Tsarigradsko sure feels unexpectedly liberating (:
5. preparing chocolate soufflè
6. jack&homemade pizza go together pretty well

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