вторник, 4 март 2014 г.


Let me tell you a story
Not one about fame or glory
But a fairytale of magic and wonder
Which makes you gasp in awe and ponder
what I am really talking about.
I may be lying, it’s okay to doubt.
So there was this girl...
I know there are a lot of girls in the world
But this here was one of a kind.
She loved snakes, dancing and wine.
Her hair was black and long
She was always smiling and damn she was strong.
But let me tell you something else
Because I know her oh, so well.
That girl was mad and kinda crazy
Although she smelled like daisies
She was loud, completely nuts, insane
And she just wanted to get on a plane
And go to New York City
And there she would hate all the kitties
Even though they are so sweet
she said she’d kill them, yes indeed
if I take one home
and she’d kick me out on the streets to roam.
She wanted to have all the friends
For parties that would have no end
And alcohol we’d have to drink
We really hate the colour pink.
I think I got a little out of topic
I am just way too much philanthropic.
But let me end this epic poem now
‘Cause we love Marina from dusk till dawn
And sometimes she makes us all a little angry
But it’s okay – today she gave us candy
Because that day she is a birthday girl.
Her – the Black sea shining pretty pearl.
Честит рожден ден, Марина!
Защото решението да живеем заедно от тази година
е едно от най-добрите решения, които съм взимала..
пък дори и да свършим като долни алкохолици накрая!


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